Having Trustworthy People in Your Life

In a world that values quick exchanges and fleeting interactions, having trustworthy people in your life allows for richer...
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Take Up Your Cross and Follow Me (Part 1)

The decision to take up your cross and follow Jesus should not taken lightly.
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When is Enough Actually "Good Enough"?

Alongside the hot chocolate, fireplace Livestream, and copious amounts of Benylin, Emergen-C, and naps, I’ve come to an interesting predicament.
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Climbing the Corporate Ladder

Success to me is to listen to God and to follow Him wherever He is calling me to be.
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The Red Pill Advantage

The Red Pill is a praxeology, or a study of human conduct, that reveal's the true intent behind a person's actions.
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Crypto Security Advisor

I have officially launch my Crypto Security Advisory (CSA) service!
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Quantum Leap

Sometimes trying harder is the problem. Can you make a quantum leap?
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Top Five Regrets of the Dying

Graveyards are full of people who never realized their hopes and dreams.
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The Citadel: How to Secure Your Crypto

My first book is now available for purchase on Amazon!
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Defend the Cyber World: Become a Cyber Soldier

Our actions, habits, and awareness play a pivotal role in maintaining a cyber-secure world.
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Deus Ex Machina (God From The Machine)

Have you ever imagined a time when the growth of technology would outpace our ability to adapt?
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Saying The Truth Regardless of the Consequences

What do you do when you find yourself in a situation that challenges your beliefs?
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Do The Work

The first step you take is a choice. However, it is not the choice that gets you the results, it's the work...
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A Year In Review: 2022

It was the best of time, it was the worst of times. It certainly was a year to remember...
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Welcome to the Future: ChatGPT

Never in my life would I have imagined that AI would become so useful so fast and yet, here we are...
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The Bookshelf

Over the years, I have read quite a few books - and I though I'd share them with you here.
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A Response to Jordan Peterson's "Message to the Christian Churches"

Today I want to respond to Dr. Jordan Peterson's video titled "Message to the Christian Churches"...
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Advice for the Christian Man

Today I want to talk to the Christian man - the man who is criticized for every decision he makes...
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Andrew Tate: A Voice We All Need To Hear

If you have not heard of Andrew Tate, well, you are in for a rude awakening...
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One Step At A Time

I participated in Freedom 8848, a challenge to climb 8848 meters in elevation to fight against sex trafficking.
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Las Vegas: Life Lessons Learned

They say that whatever happens in Vegas stays in Vegas...that is until you have learned life lessons that you want to share with the world.
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The Silent Opposition

When was the last time you wanted to voice your opinion, but didn't due to fear of rejection or it not being the most popular thing to say?
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Cyber Warfare: Self-Defense

After pondering, researching, and a few glasses of wine, I've decided to do a more in-depth analysis on cyber warfare.
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The Age of Cyber Warfare

Welcome to the Age of Cyber Warfare. Are you ready for the fallout?
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Weak Men Create Hard Times

We are now entering into the "Weak Men Create Hard Times" phase. We can expect Hard Times to come our way.
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You Are Going to Die

Have you made peace with death? You are going to die after all.
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Life Strategies: Offensive and Defensive

The new year is coming, what are you going to do about it?
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The Luck Equation

I'm a failure. I've failed so many times that it would be easier to count the hairs on my head than to count the number of times I've failed. …

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Cyber Security Awareness Month 2021

October is internationally recognized as Cyber Security Awareness Month - and Halloween of course! Why Should I Care? Reduce the chance of you …

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I Don't Care, But I Care About You

I don't care. I don't care what you do. I don't care what you choose. I don't care who you voted for. I don't care if you wear a mask …

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The Wave

If today was lived during World War II, would you have been a Nazi soldier? We should be hesitant to answer this question. I like many others would…

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215 Children

A little boy went out to play with his friends one day. He was very excited and raced to his friends house. "Knock knock" Someone was at the door. …

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Forgiveness: Truth to Reconciliation (The Journey to Forgiveness)

The Journey to Forgiveness “To forgive is to set a prisoner free and discover that the prisoner was you.” — Lewis B. Smedes The road to forgiveness …

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Forgiveness: Truth to Reconciliation (What is Reconciliation?)

What is Reconciliation? “If there is to be reconciliation, first there must be truth.” ~ Timothy B. Tyson We have discussed truth by understanding …

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Forgiveness: Truth to Reconciliation (What is Truth?)

What is Truth? “Truth without love is brutality, and love without truth is hypocrisy.” ~ Warren Wiersbe Have you ever lied, cheated, or stole from…

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Forgiveness: Truth to Reconciliation (Preface)

“How do you start writing a book? One page at a time.” ~ Anonymous I am convinced that this book needed to be written.  It was calling out …

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Cybersecurity Awareness Month 2020

October is internationally recognized as Cybersecurity Awareness Month - and Halloween of course! Why Should I Care? TLDR: Use unique passwords for …

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Unemployment: Don't Waste it

What do you do when you are unemployed? Find a job... most people say. The reason for employment is to cover living expenses (I know...right?). If …

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I am Listening

Actions speak louder than words, but your words do not fall on deaf ears. Who am I to add yet another voice to the dissonance? The one who listens, …
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Machine Learning and Ruby: Enhancing the Cybersecurity Industry Part III

This is the last part of this three-part series. So far, we covered the basics of Ruby and Machine Learning. In this last part, I will be …

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Opportunity in Uncertainty

Yes, here is yet another blog post on the uncertainty facing us today. I want to share my experience and outlook. Truth: there will always be ups …

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Machine Learning and Ruby: Enhancing the Cybersecurity Industry Part II

In the first part of this series, I outlined the basics of how machine learning and Ruby can enhance the cybersecurity industry. In Part II, I will …

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Machine Learning and Ruby: Enhancing the Cybersecurity Industry Part I

Did you know that in the first quarter of 2019, hackers exposed 4.1 billion private data records to the public [1]? The future does not seem bright …
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The Word Is My Sword

Imagine that you and I are playing a video game. We start by creating our avatars; choosing our race, class, and specialty. It is at this stage that…

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Perhaps I'm The Problem

Intellectually dissecting oneself into pieces is not what people would consider fun, and I tend to agree. Since the beginning of 2015, …

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Intro to Self-Driving Cars Nanodegree

If you ever wanted to learn how self-driving cars work, take a look at the Intro to Self-Driving Cars Nanodegree offered by Udacity. I have recently…

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An Observation of Technology in Society

By definition, the word "technology" can be defined as techne logos, or as "the art and skill of reason." It encompasses both the technique and the …

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"25" Album - Release Notes (2017)

"25" is now available on Bandcamp and Musicoin! "25" (2017), is the second album I have released and contains twenty-five short ambient, electronic,…

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A Wrong Note is a Moral Issue

Perhaps the best way to understand music is to know what it is not. In the context of traditional Western music theory, music has a set of rules and…

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Yoga for a Healthier Music Practice

Yoga is centered around principles of balance and awareness. There have been many studies done on how yoga can improve physical performance in …

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Side Projects That Serve Multiple Purposes

Let's suppose you are a Software Developer working on a project for a client. Your client wants software that will grab information from a database …

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Taking a Scientific Approach to Learning New Skills: A Reflection Post

As the title of this post suggests, I have come to a point of reflection. For the past year, I have been learning Python, HTML, and Java. These …

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The Day I Met Many Famous People

Ever wonder what it is like to meet a celebrity? Well, I can tell you that it is an unreal experience! I want to take this time to tell you about one…
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Simple Ways to Improve Quality of Life

Time, money, and energy. These are the currencies which we exchange on a daily basis. Amidst the big exchanges like employment and outsourcing, there…
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BlockDefence Game Project

At the time of writing, I had programmed in Python for eight months and have dabbled in Pygame, one of Python's game libraries. I decided to set out …
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Experiences with Video Game Development

When one thinks about being a video game developer, it's very easy to associate game development with gaming. From my experience, developing a game …
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DesktopHub Project

I always wanted a small widget for my desktop which housed every action used frequently. I wanted to do a Google search by clicking one button, and …
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The Value of Learning to Play Multiple Musical Instruments

We have all heard the saying, "jack of all trades, master of none." While this might ring true, I want to offer a middle ground experience as it …
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PracticeJournal Project

As a practicing musician for over eight years, I find it valuable to write down what I practice. It helps me focus on what needs to be improved and …
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Docstrings: Who Are They For?

Programmers provide docstrings to explain their code. As long as programmers follow docstring conventions, their code should be well-documented. From…
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MemoBox Project

Ever needed to write down an important piece of information, but couldn't find any paper? Well, I wrote a program for this! MemoBox is a desktop …
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Sams Teach Yourself Python in 24 Hours: Book Review

Sams Teach Yourself Python in 24 Hours by Katie Cunningham is a book for aspiring Python developers. Note that this is a review of the fifth printing…
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Experimental Musical Improvisation: 4 Years in Reflection

Have you ever been in a room full of people and everyone stops talking at the same time? The awkward silence lingers for just a moment, then leaves …
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PIA Project

The Produce Inventory Assistant (PIA) Project is an easy-to-use program that manages produce inventory information. The program runs via the command …
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What I Learned from Doing 2016 Push-Ups in 2016

I did not want to do 2016 push-ups. I wanted to do one push-up and add another one every day for an entire year. By the end of the year, I would have…
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Measuring Progress: Reading, Writing, and Typing Code

Today I want to discuss my experience with learning new skills. It has taken me years to understand how my brain works when it comes to learning a …
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Rolodex Project

The Rolodex Program is a program written in Python 3 that stores Rolodex information in an SQLite database. A user can add people to the database …
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CustomerOrganizer Project

After gaining a few customers for my side business, I noticed that I had important information that I needed to remember for each customer. I decided…
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BankingSimulator Project

BankingSimulator is a project written in Python 3 that can simulate banking practices over time. The reason why I created this program was to test …
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DailyProgrammer Project

I started doing these challenges back in September 2015 as a way to improve my coding abilities. By the time of this writing, I am half-way through …
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"Sentimental Soundscapes" EP Release - Oct 7, 2015

Well the time has come to release my first ever EP! It sure has been a long journey from its inception until now. I will not spoil too much, but I do…
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Gear Acquisition Syndrome (GAS) – How to Get More Tone with Less Gear

If you dream of owning racks and racks of guitar effect pedals and an endless array of guitars, you must be a guitar player. If this is true, then …
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The Diversification Rule - Will it Work For Musicians?

By taking the diversification rule out of finance and into the music industry, musicians and artists can reap the benefits of a decrease in risk and …
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