Defend the Cyber World: Become a Cyber Soldier

In the cyber world, people often take center stage. While cutting-edge technology and advanced security measures are crucial, it’s people who make all the difference in defending the cyber world. 

Our actions, habits, and awareness play a pivotal role in maintaining a cyber-secure world, as even the most sophisticated security systems can be rendered ineffective by human error or carelessness.

This is where the Cyber Soldier project comes in…

Cyber Security Awareness for Everyone

I developed Cyber Soldier as a response to the ever-increasing cyber threats faced by the everyday person. Cyber security can be very technical, so I wanted to explain it in a fun, yet practical way.

Cyber Soldier was designed to be accessible to everyone, regardless of their level of technical knowledge. With straightforward explanations of complex concepts, the project makes it easy for anyone to protect themselves from the Red Team – the bad guys.

I encourage you to take 15 minutes to visit the website and go through the mission to become a Cyber Soldier. Share the site with everyone! You never how many cyber attacks you can prevent:

In my previous post, I stated that I’m starting a project called “Deus Ex Machina” – a project where I want to use AI to further God’s kingdom. Little did I know that Cyber Soldier would be my first project.

I used the processes and infrastructure I’ve developed with my business Kwistech and integrated it with GPT-4 for this project. Kwistech provided the website while GPT-4 was used as a starting point for the content. And of course, with my experience in cyber security, I tailored the website to what I wanted it to achieve. While it took some time to get it right, I’m very pleased with the final result:

This is just one small example of how we can make the world a better place…

Other Projects

I’m currently drafting up another project involving cyber security, this time for cryptocurrency. I bought a fraction of a Bitcoin back in 2017, so suffices to say that I have a bit of experience with it.

Despite this, there is one thing that is usually not covered when people talk about crypto, and that is how to secure them once you have bought them. I’m not sure if it will be free for everyone or not since this is invaluable knowledge gathered from both experience and research over the years.

Besides, do you know of anyone else who had experienced a paper loss of mid-five figures and lived to tell the tale? What I will share in this next project will save you from experiencing this loss.

Take care and be cyber aware.

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