The Wave

If today was lived during World War II, would you have been a Nazi soldier?

We should be hesitant to answer this question. I like many others would obviously say no right out of the gate. How could I be capable of murdering people? It’s not so much a question about the individual as this question is not targeted at the individual. Rather, this is a question about humanity.

Hypocrisy and lies are all around us. We are incapable of escaping from ideology as we are blind: we have stewed in them our entire lives. Democracy, Communism, Environmentalism, Feminism, Theism, Atheism, and all the other ‘isms’ follow the same path with the same tragic ending. We are in a never-ending war. We do not know any other way.

It’s not until someone stands up and offers another solution: do away with ideology.

Take a step back and question everything. Why aren’t competent people in politics? Why is it that I’m working overtime with no pay? When was the last time your pastor quoted scripture? View the world as it is and not what you believe it to be.

Question everything and draw your lines in the sand. Be courageous enough to say when enough is enough.

I watched a movie regarding a school experiment called The Wave. I suggest you also check it out:

Peace, love, and good happiness stuff.

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