Andrew Tate: A Voice We All Need To Hear

If you have not heard of Andrew Tate, well, you are in for a rude awakening.

He took the Internet by storm as he found a way to ‘Game’ the social media algorithms. He discovered how best to get his message across in as short of a time as possible, and, well, it worked.

Please watch the video below before reading on.

As harsh as it is, he’s right. Not only this, but he’s also been on point with many other topics.

Now I want to back up a little bit here and provide some context before I dive into the topic at hand. I first encountered Tate’s content a number of years ago. To make a long story short, I went through a breakup that left me with a lot of questions. I spent 3 years of my life searching for answers. My search lead to what’s called the ‘Red Pill,’ and honestly, I’ve never been more at peace.

People will lie. People you trust will lie. People who have your best interests in mind will lie. Unfortunately, most of the time they simply do not know they are lying as they unknowingly perpetuate what they have been told to say – either by society, media, or ‘experts.’

The ‘Red Pill’ uncovers these lies and shows you the harsh reality we all truly live in.

Now, I’m not here to educate you on the Red Pill. If you want more information, I encourage you to visit The Rational Male website and read The Rational Male (available on Amazon). What I am here to do is to provide my commentary on the rise of figures such as Andrew Tate.

Why Tate Became Popular

When talking about Tate, most people talk about how he came to fame. I don’t care about the how. I care about the why. He was not only at the right place at the right time, but it was inevitable.

You see, we are taught from a young age to act and think a certain way. We believe, albeit mostly incorrectly, that this way is the right way to live and operate in society. However, what we don’t understand is that we are conditioned to serve an agenda. And once that conditioning conflicts with our lived experiences, we seek answers as to why this conflict exists.

We start to seek the counsel of people we trust. We do the smart thing and go to smart people for answers. What we ultimately come to realize is that the people we trust and the smart people we go to typically do not have answers that satisfy us – they do not explain why something we did/didn’t do worked/didn’t work the way that it should/shouldn’t have.

I will not go into too much detail about my lived experience, but I will say that I had a conflict with what I was told to do in a relationship vs my actual lived experience. I was manipulated, blindsided, and lied to all the while thinking that I was doing the right thing. It was here that I started to seek answers to the conflict that I now faced.

Everyone I went to for help did not provide me with satisfactory answers. And so I took it upon myself to seek out answers in what I deemed unlikely places. Little did I know that it was exactly these places where I found answers.

So, what does all of this have to do with Tate?

Well, my research led me to a community of millions of other people, mostly men, who have experienced that same type of conflict I experienced years ago. What’s fascinating is that there seemed to be a common theme among the issues we all experienced: we were all lied to and are continuously encouraged to perpetuate the lie.

What is the lie? The lie is that men and women are equal and experience life the same.

We are taught from an early age that boys are essentially defective girls, who require drugs to come back to ‘normal.’ Men are the oppressive sex that needs to be civilized. Further, we are taught that women want a nice guy, but time and time again wonder why they choose to go back to their abusive ex-boyfriends. Men are waking up to the harsh reality they now live in and it was only a matter of time for a figure life Andrew Tate to make it known to the world.

A Voice for The Red Pill

This sort of begs the question then, if not Andrew Tate, then who? Couldn’t someone else be the figurehead to bring this to light? He was the most vocal, triggering, and masculine guy for the job.

What’s interesting is that this phenomenon was predicted to happen by none other than the godfather of the Red Pill, Rollo Tomassi. Rollo was one of the originals who pieced the data together years ago uncovering the lies we were all brought up in. He predicted that society will inevitably have a rude awakening to the lies that have been in place for the last 80 years or so. He also predicted that it most likely won’t be him as the figurehead, but the most vocal, triggering, and masculine in the space that will make it mainstream…and that the mainstream will fight tooth and nail to stop him.

And just like one of the most powerful, influential, masculine man in America, Tate was also ‘canceled’ on most social media platforms for his seemingly outrageous views on life. My question is when did having an opposing view become so damaging to society that it has to be silenced? Are we that fragile to not even consider another point of view?

The pen is definitely mightier than the sword these days.

Despite what you have read, heard, or watched of Tate, I encourage you to take a deep dive into what he is actually on about. Yes, he’s the most provocative guy to shed light on matters, but the content he is delivering is on point. If you would like a walkthrough of the points he makes, read The Rational Male and get back to me with your thoughts.

Opposing Viewpoints

I’m not here to defend Tate, Tomassi, or the Red Pill. Criticize away.

Instead, what I am here is to provide my experience with opposing views and how beneficial they have been to me and how I live my life. If it wasn’t for guys like Tate and Tomassi, I don’t think I’d be the man I am today.

I take responsibility for my actions, believe in God with all my heart, and pursue everything that God has made me to be. If this is not what we should all be doing, then I challenge you to bring forth another, more appealing, satisfactory, and uplifting way of living life. I always tell people to look at their life, and then look at mine. If there’s anything you would like from my life, it means that you are doing something wrong (and visa-versa of course).

I can guarantee you, the truth will set you free. However, the truth is also painful. It’s painful to learn that as a man you have a burden of performance. It’s painful to learn that over 50% of marriages end in divorce, which is mostly initiated by women (70%), and that there’s a less than 1% chance of being happily married if you do stay together. And it’s even more painful to learn than at a moment’s notice and for any reason, a woman can divorce their husband, take half of his assets, and take his money every month to raise a kid that wasn’t even his to begin with. But, once you settle in and come to terms with the truth, it frees you from the shock of these things if they do occur (again).


The Red Pill term comes from the movie, The Matrix, where “Morpheus explains to Neo that the Matrix is an illusory world created to prevent humans from discovering that they are slaves to an external influence. Holding out a capsule on each of his palms, he describes the choice facing Neo:

This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You take the blue pill—the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill—you stay in Wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes. Remember: all I’m offering is the truth. Nothing more.” ~ Morpheus (Wikipedia)

It’s a harsh pill to swallow.

I as well as many others think that it’s a pill that is either going to be swallowed today voluntarily or by force tomorrow.

Tate has brought it to the mainstream and will certainly not be the last person to do so.

If you are a guy, I highly suggest you take the time to earnestly seek answers to the problems you face. It may take you down some dark paths, but as I can attest, it is well worth it in the end.

Do you take the Red Pill or the Blue Pill?

Choose wisely.


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