The Red Pill Advantage

I know what you’re thinking: John, don’t do it. Well, guess what? I just did…

In this post, I would like to talk about my experience with the red pill.

Now, if you don’t know what the red pill is, I will try to assist you.

The best definition I could come up with is the following:

What is the Red Pill?

“The Red Pill is a praxeology, or a study of human conduct, that reveal’s the true intent behind a person’s actions, looking at what they do instead of what they say they do.”

Why is it important?

Every action we take, whether conscious or not, reveals our true intent.

We think we go to college for a degree, but the piece of paper is just a means to an end.

We don’t go to college for the piece of paper. Instead, we go to find a spouse, laud our accomplishments in front of others, and to give us an excuse to avoid the monotony of working a 9-5.

We only pursue the degree after these have been addressed, or at least attempted.

If you need proof, ask yourself this: when did you decide to conduct your job search? Did you start the last couple months of your program or start when you first entered your program?

As we dive into emotionalism as a way of life, we make decisions that harm us in the long term.

We make another mistake in believing that the opportunities presented in previous generations, such as ‘finding’ a spouse and finding a good job, are still possible, or achievable for many of us today.

Times have changed

Opportunities to say, ‘find’ a spouse, have diminished since our parents generation.

In previous generations, there were ample opportunities to meet and mingle without the context of ‘finding’ someone (think dating apps). This is evident in the lack of interest in social dances, the rise of policies against dating co-workers, and even in our inability to determine what is consensual.

We have since taken away the ability for men to date in college (due to the high change of a false allegation), date at work (due to the involvement of HR and that one complaint risks your career), and date in our community (due to the global reach of dating apps).

The rise of false allegations

A socialized man understands the difference between a friendly gesture and a flirtations’ one.

However with the lack of appropriate social settings for mixing the two genders as stated previously, we now have at least one generation of men who are just not aware of these differences.

What happens when a man perceives interest from a woman who conveys politeness?

It’s a false allegation just waiting to occur as the woman feels uncomfortable from the man’s attempt to show interest in her. Besides, the man is told to ‘man up’ and ‘do what is right,’ so he does just this…

Thank your Traditional Conservatives for this one.

The old days are gone

As sad as it is, we have come to a point where the old days are gone. They are never coming back.

What was just expected to happen has now become a privilege of the privileged.

According to recent data from the matrix internet, only 10% of Canadians can now afford a house. A generation ago, this number was at 50%. And we wonder why my generation doesn’t want to work…

The same thing has occurred to dating. We expect to find someone to build a life with, however the chances these days are quite slim. Take away college, work, and community, we are left with online dating. This would be a great improvement if not for one thing: human nature.

We are wired and encouraged by the world to look for the best, and nothing else. We want the better job with better pay so that we can afford a better car and work up to a better house. We want a better lifestyle, with better friends, with better adventures. All of this up trading leads to one thing: inflation.

To get the better job, we need better credentials. To get the better car, we need the better job. To get the better lifestyle, we need the better car. To get the better friends, we need better social status. To get better social status, we need better adventures…

We are looking for a better spouse. Why ‘settle’ for the plumber when you can have the doctor? Why ‘settle’ for the doctor when you can have the fitness influencer? Inflation has now hit the dating scene.

But, what if we questioned everything? What if we didn’t need better… anything?

The Red Pill Advantage

We have all been fed lies from everyone about everything.

Now I don’t say that the people around us have consciously lied to us or mean us harm. They are trying to help us as they try to help themselves – and there is nothing wrong with that.

In fact, it just shows how much they love us. However, we have to be very careful what advise we take as it is our lives at stake and not theirs. The way this advantage works is as follows:

  1. Define what is most important in life.
  2. Ignore everything that does not matter.
  3. Be confident in yourself and your decisions.
  4. Take advantage by taking action on the previous points.
  5. Trust the process regardless of the short / medium term results.

Let me give you a practical example of what I mean.

My Advantage

What is most important to me is God and people. I ignore unfounded criticism that comes my way. I’m confident in who I am and do not listen to those who have no interest in my well being. I take action by embracing minimalism, building side projects, and only pursue things that interest me. And finally, I trust the process as the fruits of my labor show in the results I get – this is the Red Pill advantage.

Funny enough, this has led to quite the satisfying life. Not only this, but counterintuitively, it has lead to a better job, better credentials, better friends, better adventures, and better… everything.

No longer am I worried about belonging to anything or anyone. Politics, religion, and ideology are not things I concern myself about. They are below me. They are below the most important things in my life.

I now have the time, energy, and money to freely pursue the best that God has for me in this life.

If you want to do the same, all you have to do is ask Him to show you what’s most important.

“Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.” ~ Matthew 7:7

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