“25” Album – Release Notes (2017)

25 is now available on Bandcamp and Musicoin! “25” (2017), is the second album I have released and contains twenty-five short ambient, electronic, improvisation, and experimental pieces. The goal of this project was to Read more

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A Wrong Note is a Moral Issue

Perhaps the best way to understand music is to know what it is not. In the context of traditional Western music theory, music has a set of rules and guidelines that determine what music is and what it is not. Read more

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Yoga for a Healthier Music Practice

Yoga is centered around principles of balance and awareness. There have been many studies done on how yoga can improve physical performance in athletes.

However, there seems to be a lack of interest in how yoga can help musicians!

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The Value of Learning to Play Multiple Musical Instruments

We have all heard the saying, "jack of all trades, master of none." While this might ring true, I want to offer a middle ground experience as it relates to learning musical instruments. Read more
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Experimental Musical Improvisation: 4 Years in Reflection

Have you ever been in a room full of people and everyone stops talking at the same time? The awkward silence lingers for just a moment, then leaves as soon as it came. The funny thing about musical improvisation is that experimental musicians strive for that awkward moment. Read more
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“Sentimental Soundscapes” EP Release – Oct 7, 2015

Well the time has come to release my first ever EP! It sure has been a long journey from its inception until now. I will not spoil too much, but I do want to tell you that I have dedicated this work to a very important group of people. You will find that once "Sentimental Soundscapes" has been released, it is unlike most EP's. Read more
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Gear Acquisition Syndrome (GAS) – How to Get More Tone with Less Gear

If you dream of owning racks and racks of guitar effect pedals and an endless array of guitars, you must be a guitar player. If this is true, then there is another thing that must be true. You have Gear Acquisition Syndrome (GAS)! Read more
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