Taking a Scientific Approach to Learning New Skills: A Reflection Post

As the title of this post suggests, I have come to a point of reflection. For the past year, I have been learning Python, HTML, and Java. These three computer programming languages all have differences and similarities and Read more

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The Day I Met Many Famous People

Ever wonder what it is like to meet a celebrity? Well, I can tell you that it is an unreal experience! I want to take this time to tell you about one day in particular. The day when I was literally bumping into famous people! Read more
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Simple Ways to Improve Quality of Life

Time, money, and energy. These are the currencies which we exchange on a daily basis. Amidst the big exchanges like employment and outsourcing, there are little exchanges one can do to improve ones quality of life. Read more
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BlockDefence Game Project

At the time of writing, I had programmed in Python for eight months and have dabbled in Pygame, one of Python's game libraries. I decided to set out to create my own video game and thus Block Defence was born! Read more
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Experiences with Video Game Development

When one thinks about being a video game developer, it's very easy to associate game development with gaming. From my experience, developing a game and playing it are two sides of the same coin. Read more
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DesktopHub Project

I always wanted a small widget for my desktop which housed every action used frequently. I wanted to do a Google search by clicking one button, and open a multi-nested directory by clicking another. With the help of Python's Tkinter GUI interface, I developed a program that does all of this! Read more
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The Value of Learning to Play Multiple Musical Instruments

We have all heard the saying, "jack of all trades, master of none." While this might ring true, I want to offer a middle ground experience as it relates to learning musical instruments. Read more
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