Ever wonder what it is like to meet a celebrity? Well, I can tell you that it is an unreal experience! It is an experience that will stick with you for years to come. I want to take this time to tell you about one day in particular. The day when I was literally bumping into famous people!
It was a cool fall evening and I decided to go out and get myself a cup of coffee . The school season had just started and I was looking forward to all the experiences I would have that year. After all, it was my 3rd year as an arts undergraduate and I made it my mission to volunteer my time and energy to better serve my community.
As time passed like leaves under foot, I drank the last drop in my coffee cup and opened my email. I noticed that I had a notification from the faculty looking for volunteers for an event. It was an opportune time to live up to my statement and I decided to look into it deeper before I went to bed. Little did I know that this opportunity would lead me to an event of a lifetime.
As busy people do, I forgot all about the email and a few days passed. Lucky for me, I posted a reminder about the email on my desk and as I saw it, I gave the email a second look. As I said, the faculty was looking for students within the music department if they would be able to volunteer for a day to help out at a fundraiser. I responded with interest and continued practicing my instrument.
A week passed before I got a response. The response gave some of the details and what I would be doing. A few updates came in sporadically and before I knew it, the day had arrived!
I dressed for the occasion and met up with the other volunteers for the event. We were then shipped off to the most prestigious mansion in the city.
As I stepped out of the vehicle, I was in awe at the images that were before me. The natural response was to take a photo (or a few hundred) of the place. The below image was oneĀ of many photos I took during the event.
After we had indulged ourselves with the sights before us, we were escorted into the mansion. Each volunteer had a station and I was responsible for doing coat check for guests and VIP’s. After the coat check debriefing, guests started to arrive.
It was at this point that I got really nervous and really excited! Funny enough, one of the first guests to show up was none other than Chris Hadfield and his wife! I was so star-struck that all I could do was smile. The previous Commander of the ISS and his wife took off to the VIP lounge and would be later seen on stage as a performer!